This self-assessment tool has been produced by Olimpia Mesa as part of the How People Learn Project.
Learning is significantly enhanced when the children can manage it by themselves. Moreover, once they are grown and leave school, young people have to take responsibility for managing most of their own learning. To do this, they need to be able to establish goals, to persevere, to monitor their learning progress, to adjust their learning strategies as necessary, and to overcome difficulties in learning. Therefore, we encourage children to use self-assessments and to become aware not only of their knowledge of the content, but also of their attitudes, behaviours and feelings.
The self-assessment tool we are proposing starts with a set of questions designed to help the child assess their attitude. We want children to be aware of their emotions, beliefs and vision of the subject. In part two of the self-assessment, you may introduce the formative assessment. If you repeat the self-awareness questionnaire at the end of a semester or year, it can be part of the summative assessment. Part three of the self-assessment is about distinguishing between learning mode and performance mode. It helps the child become aware of their abilities, resilience, and perception of and reaction to failure. In part four of the self-assessment, the child’s perceived usefulness of the subject is assessed.
Print a copy for each child or feel free to use the question prompts and create your own self-assessment.